DocsEngine Update - 2018 Plan Limits
New DocsEngine for Pensions Update Released
The IRS recently announced the new dollar limits for contributions and benefits provided by qualified retirement plans effective January 1, 2018. To view the full notice, visit:
In response, the various templates and interviews on the DocsEngine for Pensions system have been updated to reflect the new 2018 IRS Plan Limits. As part of this update, the Safe Harbor Notice Templates have also been updated. As with all DocsEngine for Pensions updates, there is no need for you to take any actions to install or download the update. You will be using the new updated content when you next log in to the system to create a plan or notice.
What is New in this Release?
1. The following plan types have been updated to reflect the newly released IRS Plan Limits for 2018:
PPA NS Prototype 401(k)
PPA NS Prototype Profit Sharing
PPA NS Prototype Money Purchase
PPA Volume DC (Adoption Agreement)
PPA Volume DC (Contract)
Cash Balance - 3rd 5-year Cycle
2. The Safe Harbor Notice templates and interview defaults have been updated to reflect the IRS Plan Limits for 2018 for the following plan/content types:
PPA NS Prototype 401(k)
PPA Volume DC (Adoption Agreement)
PPA Volume DC (Contract)
Stand-alone Safe Harbor Notice
3. Miscellaneous grammatical template corrections.
Have a Question or Need Information?
As always, if you have any questions on this new update, feel free to contact us at 877-346-5994 or